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The Writing.Com members below are accepting review requests and ready to review your item! Peruse the list, check out members' review styles and request a review from anyone who seems like a good fit for your item.
kiwi.juice.420's Portfolio!
Registered Author
(minimum 1,500 GPs)
I give a honest review, I look for improvements maintaining a good rhythm through the narrative. I value clarity in a storyline. I notice when pacing is off balance from one point in the story then the other. I like to focus on Grammer and punctuation as well. I like to give the author a good "WOW" from my review.
Preferred Author
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
I have a review template that is only used for in depth reviews, usually those that are specifically requested. These will be as comprehensive as I can manage, including everything I have noticed in reading the piece. Most of my reviews, however, are more in the nature of reactions to the piece with brief notes on things I find particularly good and suggestions on dealing with any obvious flaws in the writing.
midnightstalka's Portfolio!
Registered Author
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
I tend to focus on the technical aspects of a piece of writing, looking at the language, flow, style and punctuation. I tend not to spend too much time on complimenting what works well.
lbidler's Portfolio!
Preferred Author
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
As a reviewer of your work, I will first look for identification in what you are presenting. When a reader can truly identify with the writer, emotion sets in and the story becomes a part of the reader as well as the writer.
aprildawn's Portfolio!
Preferred Author
(minimum 2,000 GPs)
Honest and critical reviews offered. I look at all components of story-telling: setting, dialogue, characterization, conflict and resolution. I will not generally do a line-by-line edit, though I will point out minor errors. If a piece needs a complete rewrite for grammar and spelling I will tell you so. I do not sugar-coat. I try to be insightful and will offer honest suggestions where I think are necessary.
Preferred Author
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
I focus on plot and characters. Stories I really get into I break down looking at grammar and spelling. I am honest to the core of my reviews and I like to extend as much grace as I can to new writers (cause we've all been there). As far as star ratings go:*Five stars means I think you can publish it.*Four and a half stars means I think just a few changes need to be made (mostly spelling and grammar).*Four stars mean there is something either in the plot, or characters, that aren't working.*Three and a half stars means it's above average for a WDC item, which means revise it once and then call me.*Three stars mean it's an average WDC item, which means revise it once, or twice, and then call me.*Two and a half stars means it's below average for a WDC item, which means something major to the story isn't working.*Two stars means most everything has gone wrong.*One and a half stars means that the only redeeming factor is the premise.*One star means WTF!
stevengepp's Portfolio!
Preferred Author
(minimum 2,000 GPs)
Minimalist. Focus on technical. I also look at how a work would fit into the traditional publishing landscape. I don't use a template. Warning: I am Australian, and so cultural differences may apply.
masurai1987's Portfolio!
Registered Author
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
I try to focus on what works and does not work.
Registered Author
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
Honest but kind, fun and easy to understand. Nothing too complex (I will give suggestions!), willing to offer extra advice via email for no extra cost. I am entirely non bias in your topics of interest/opinions to be reviewed. Please take note I am NOT easy to trigger. I will NEVER repost anything you'd have me to review.
Preferred Author
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
Honest and encouraging
Preferred Author
Jellyfish 12 years on WDC 💛
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
I like to always pick out the positive points in a piece, even if overall I am not enamoured by it. I tend to point out grammatical and spelling errors. I will be honest, but not unkind *Smile*
Preferred Author
Odessa Molinari
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
I like to say how I relate to an item. Spelling and grammar are less important.
puppetmaster84's Portfolio!
Preferred Author
The Puppet Master
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
I will say what I liked about your piece and if I have any suggestions for improvement. My reviews are usually short, sweet and to the point. I prefer to review short stories but will look at poetry if asked to.
Preferred Author
(minimum 2,500 GPs)
I'm the lead editor for a small independent press, but I am on maternity leave for the next several years and thus not accepting submissions. I'll tell you my professional opinion on first chapters or short pieces and whether I would have accepted it or rejected it if I was looking for work. I've dealt most with controversial speculative fiction, and I'm most interested in polyamory a.k.a consensual non-monogamy.
soledad_moon's Portfolio!
Preferred Author
Elisa: Middle Aged Stik
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
In a single word, thorough. I will turn your piece upside down, shake the change out of its pockets and look at even the most minute details. I can be technical but will do so when emphasizing a larger point about the piece as a whole.
coolzebra's Portfolio!
Registered Author
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
When I review something, I look for grammar and it's content. I can say what you miss or what you need.
Preferred Author
Amethyst Angel🍂🧡
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
Casual, friendly. I'll point out typos when I see them and make suggestions about quality, characters and logic, besides telling you how I feel about the piece.
spidergirl's Portfolio!
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
I attempt a well-rounded review where I look at the item from a writer's and reader's perspective. I'll tell you what I liked and what I think could be strengthened. I like to think I'm a courteous and helpful reviewer.
jaejaeme's Portfolio!
Registered Author
Just Jae
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
I have experience looking for consistency. I fully believe in Keep It Simple & Succinct. *Smile*
jim-d's Portfolio!
Sum1's In San Francisco
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
Casual for the most part. I will point out errors I see and offer suggested corrections. I like to focus on the content and formatting of the item. I love providing helpful comments and feedback that may improve the item if acted on.
Printed from https://gwfrog.writing.com/main/authors/action/reviewers